Written by Yamama Shakaa.
Saturday, December 8th, 2018 Women Tech Talks event was held at Birzeit University in Palestine .
The event was organized by Arabwic Palestine Chapter and ACM-w BZU Student Chapter from the computer science department at Birzeit University .The event covered several talks lead by successful Palestinian women from several companies, organizations, and universities in Palestine such as Palestine TechWomen, Gaza Sky Geeks, GDG Ramallah -Google Developers Group, Women Techmakers, Technovation Palestine, Mozilla, BZU ACM Student Chapter, and Arabwic Arab Women in Computing -Palestine Chapter.
Yamama Shakaa, Ayah Soufan and Ruba Awayes represented Mozilla by giving a one hour session to attendees who are mostly computer science students.
Aya started by talking about Mozilla common voice project and encouraged students to donate their voices in Arabic . She talked about the importance of having Arabic voice bank in many projects. Moreover, Ayah told students about her campaign that aims to collect Arabic voices. She started by gathering interested people in a facebook group and asked them to add common Arabic sentences in this sheet.
Then I talked about Firefox types with small description for each one. I focused on Firefox Reality and mentioned Mozilla mixed realities projects like Mozilla hubs and Aframe . I also gave resources for each one and encouraged students to get started. In addition, I introduced students to RUST and Web Assembly by giving brief description and resources for them. In the break students had the opportunity to try Firefox Reality on Oculus go headset.
After that, Ruba introduced students to Mozilla’s contribution opportunities and talked about her experience in participating at Mozilla SUMO(Support Mozilla) and Mozilla L10 project.
The event was very successful and included a lot of helpful and interesting activities for tech people specially women.
The following links contains the presented slides :
Mozilla’s project and Contribution opportunities
Yamama’s talk about Firefox and other products
Some Photos from this link